Monday, 29 May 2023

New Feature - Performing Calculations without having to submit the changes

How this new change help business users -

During ad hoc analysis, user can now perform calc on the fly in FCCS and TRCS business processes without having to submit changes to the database.

Steps to Enable

It can be enabled by administrators and users as well.

By Administrators -

  • In the web application, click the Navigator, and under Application, click Settings.
  • In the Other Options section, select the Yes option from the Enable User Formulas in Ad Hoc list.
  • Click Save.

By Users-

This user preference setting overrides the application setting.

  • In the web application, click the Navigator, and under Tools, click User Preferences.
  • In the Preferences page, click the Display tab.
  • In the Other Options section, select the Yes option from the Enable User Formulas in Ad Hoc list.
  • Click Save.

Benefit: You can perform multiple calculations quickly without having to submit the changes to see the results.

Thank you!

Created by - Mohit Jain& Megha Gupta

Sunday, 28 May 2023

New major update on Task Manager - Data Exchange Integration- Jun-2023 update

Data Exchange Integration Type and Task Type in Task Manager

Task Manager is enhanced with a new end user integration and task type called Data Exchange that allows to streamline the data exchange integration tasks with the monthly close process. This integration is available for:

  • Local and remote Financial Consolidation and Close, Tax Reporting, and Planning connections
  • Remote Enterprise Profitability and Cost Management

Applies to: Enterprise Profitability and Cost Management, Financial Consolidation and Close, Planning, Planning Modules, Tax Reporting


  • Allows to run integrations defined in Data Exchange from Task Manager.
  • This allows the integration of data loads defined in Data Exchange easily into the monthly processing schedule.

Financial Close Manager

Problem Statement

Manual tracking of the close process, using excel and e-mails is one of the reasons companies still experience issues in their close process from an accuracy, transparency, complexity and comprehensiveness perspective.

By standardizing and embedding controls in period-end close processes, organizations can eliminate labor-intensive, non-value adding activities and streamline decentralized and disjointed workflows that lengthen cycle times, increase the risk of control failure, and threaten the integrity of financial statements.

However, you don’t need to spend countless hours on how to close the books in Real time! 

This article will guide you through how Financial Close Manager is a pathway to Streamline and Accelerate Your Close Operations and best practices you need for a successful journey to EPM Closing and Reporting.

What is Financial Close Cycle

Financial Close Cycle indicates the number of business days required to close the books of accounts and submit finalized financial reports to the management and regulatory authorities at the end of the accounting period. It can be monthly/quarterly/yearly from the time that financial data gathering begins, until management and any regulatory authorities receive finalized financial reports.

Close challenges 

  • Inconsistent closing calendar and checklist 

  • Lack of quality data from upstream processes or ineffective data aggregation activities

  • Lack of automated close processes (e.g., high level of manual journal entries) 

  • Ineffective procedures for validating results 

  • Lack of timely hard close of periods and ability to post transactions after reporting package submission

  • Intercompany accounting – manual adjustments

Organizations are finding it difficult to track:

  • The current status of close

  • Number of open tasks?

  • Where is it stuck?

  • Is there any issue in closing the task? 

  • Who all are assigned to close tasks?

  • Is the predecessor/successor tasks followed?

  • Is any assigned employee on Leave?

  • Do they need some backup for assigned employee?

  • There is no workflow to monitor?

  • Approval mechanism in place?

  • Looking for email notification for current status?

  • Availability of backups?

Close Manager

Oracle Financial Close Manager module of FCCS is built for centralized, web-based management of period-end close activities across the extended financial close cycle.

It helps to manage all financial close cycle tasks, including ledger and sub ledger close, data loading and mapping, financial consolidation, account reconciliation, tax/treasury and internal and external reporting processes.

This includes:

  • Close Manager Components (Setup Calendar, Security, Periods, Years, Custom Attributes, Alert Types, Integrations)

  • Define Tasks for a Close Process - setup Task Types

  • Define Dashboard Views (Calendar, Task List, Gantt Chart)

  • Create / Update Templates (and validate) with repeatable close tasks

  • Setup / Update Schedule by pulling from a template

  • Workflow process

Thank you!

Created by Mohit Jain & Megha Gupta

Enterprise Journals in FCCS : A Centralize place to manage all Journals

Problem Statement

  • Topside Journals taking month end close to infinity.
  • In today's business, lots of reliance on offline spreadsheets, differs depending on target ERP systems.
  • Many organizations have to make offline workflow mechanism to post journals in GL.
  • During Month end close… big question is:
    • How can topside journals posted to EPM system travel back to ERP without manually booking them?
    • How to automate monthly close to speed up to reduce low value tasks, most of these tasks are offline spreadsheet journals
    • Depending on how many ERP systems you have, every Excel template used to process journals may be different.

Many organizations might work on manual or different custom approaches, but these does not meet the requirements as describe below -

Manual approach

  • Increases the operational cost
  • Significantly increases the risk of material misstatements
  • Lack of adequate controls with top-sided JE posting

Custom Integration

  • Most customizations are prohibitively expensive
  • Do not provide future proofing
  • Need of seamless workflow from one process to another

Organizations are looking for a solution who can meet the requirement as depicted below -

This article talks about how Enterprise Journal module provide by EPM Cloud tools to streamline and centralized way to manage manual journal entries across the oracle EPM cloud platform.

What is Enterprise Journal

  • It is an EPM platform tool used for preparation, approval and posting of manual journal entries to the journal ledger postings for both Oracle and Non-Oracle ERP systems.
  • It provides a streamlined, centralized way to manage manual journal entries across the oracle EPM cloud platform.

How Enterprise Journals can help!

  • It addresses challenges mentioned in above section by automating the manual journal entry process for
    • Collection
    • Posting process
  • Centrally managing the process across multiple business processes and potentially multiple ERP systems

Key Capabilities

Below are the key capabilities as below –

1. Single point of entry for all manual journals

2. Standardized journal entry templates based on journal types and general ledger systems

3. The ability to have journal entries validated for -

    • Required Fields
    • Matching balances
    • Proper journal format

4. Visibility of unposed and in-process journals by comprehensive dashboards for Adhoc analysis on status of journals

5. Security rules determine access and assign tasks

6. Posting process is based on the workflow process and defined targets.

7. If target ERP system is Oracle Cloud Financials, Enterprise Journals uses a pre-built direct connector to post to the journal ledger

8. You can use a set of provided APIs for direct posting to other ERPs

9. A file-based journal posting option is also available if required.

Below are the high level steps which are required to setup the Enterprise journal module -

Thank you!

Created by Mohit Jain & Megha Gupta

Pipeline Feature in EPM Cloud Data Integration

A new feature introduced in Data Integration

  • A orchestrate a series of jobs as a single process.
  • It allows to orchestrate EPM cloud jobs across instances from one location. 
  • It allows a better control and visibility of full extended data integration process of preprocessing, data loading and post processing jobs.
  • Contains multiple stages each of which includes jobs that can be run in serial or parallel.
  • A Pipeline can include the following job types for multiple target application:

    • integrations
    • business rules
    • business rulesets
    • open batches (by file, location, and name)
    • objects to and from the Object Store
    • substitution variables

Applies to: FCCS, EPBCS, TRCS, Planning, and Planning Modules

Pipeline is available from the Data Integration home page by clicking the Add icon and then selecting the Pipeline option.

A Pipeline job is identified with a  icon on the Data Integration home page. Pipeline jobs can be also searched by searching for the word "pipeline" or a part of the word from Search.

Run Pipeline Option

  • It is available from the Data Integration home page enabling to execute the jobs in the Pipeline, send emails, and attach logs.
  • When the Pipeline is running, it shows the status. Customers can also see the status of the Pipeline running in Process Details.
  • Each individual job in the Pipeline is submitted separately and creates a separate job log in Process Details.


  • The Pipeline provides customers with a framework to combine multiple and different jobs type as a single process instead of a series of processes.
  • Previously customers had to use the Batch option in Data Management, which restricted the types of jobs that could be included in the batch.

Thank you!

Created by - Mohit Jain & Megha Gupta

Introduction to Account Reconciliation

 Account Reconciliation process gives finance teams confidence that their information is reliable and provide an opportunity to see any discrepancies that happen. In this article, we will talk about Account reconciliation (i.e., What, Why) and tool offered by Oracle EPM Cloud (Oracle Account Reconciliation Cloud Service (ARCS) to help Account reconciliation.

Thank you!

Created by - Mohit Jain & Megha Gupta

ARCS Updates June -2023

 ARCS Updates June-2023

In June 2023 release, below updates have been announced - 

  1. New Setting in Formats to prevent upload to files
  2. Increasing Default Governor Limits in Account Reconciliation
1. New Setting in Formats to prevent upload to files
Reconciliation formats determine what reconciliations will look like, and the type of information that preparers and reviewers can enter.

A new option named Prevent File Upload is added to formats. When this option is selected for a format, users cannot attach files to the reconciliations that use this format.  Users may still use the option to attach a link.

Benefit: This setting enables Service Administrators to prevent users from uploading files to certain reconciliations.

2.Increasing Default Governor Limits in Account Reconciliation

In some cases, default governor limits may be increased at customer’s request. Before customer submit a technical service request to increase governor limits, Oracle requires customer to test the impact of this change on the overall performance of application.

Benefit: This feature provides flexibility to manage governor limits based on business requirement.

Below are the details of Governor Limits -
Account Reconciliation provides both predefined and customizable governor limits.

Predefined Governor Limits in Transaction Matching
  • Maximum Allowed Number of match types in an application - 300
  • Number of data sources in a match type - 20
  • Number of data sources in an application - 500
  • Number of attributes in a data source - 200
  • Number of match processes in a match type - 20
  • Number of rules in a match process -500
Setting Customizable Governor Limits
 Default governor limits are set for various system settings. The Service Administrator can modify these default values based on the business requirement.
For Account Reconciliation - 
  • Maximum Number of Items displayed in a List - use the drop-down to set a value for the maximum number of rows to display in the Reconciliations, Transactions, Profiles, and Matching lists and the Reconciliation Actions dialog. The default value is 10000.
  • Select maximum file upload size - select a value up for the maximum individual file size that users are allowed to upload. The default is 5MB. The maximum individual file size is 20MB. There is no maximum number of files you can store.
For Report Session -
  • Generate reports as separate process - , select Turn On or Turn Off.
  • Number of reports that can be run in parallel - use the drop-down to select the number of reports that can be run in parallel.

Thank you!!

Created by: Mohit Jain & Megha Gupta

Updating EPM Automate for all newer version

Scenario: There have been scenarios where EPM cloud application administrator wants to use latest features of EPM Automate but its version has not been updated. Admin user needs a easy way to upgrade the EPM Automate with newer version.

Oracle offering: To upgrade the EPM automate with newer version use "Upgrade" command.

Command: upgrade

Purpose: Automatically downloads and silently installs the newest version of EPM Automate.

After login command is use to initiate a session, EPM Automate identifies the current installed version. If the installed version is not the newest available, EPM Automate informs you that a newer version is available.

Applies to: Planning, Planning Modules, FreeForm, FCCS, TRCS, ARCS, PCMCS/EPMCS, Oracle Enterprise Data Management Cloud, Narrative Reporting, Oracle Sales Planning Cloud, and Oracle Strategic Workforce Planning Cloud.


Admin user can create a separate window/shell script to call he upgrade command whenever there is newer version of EPM Automate and take benefit of those.

Usage of command -

        epmautomate upgrade

Thank you!

Created by - Mohit Jain & Megha Gupta

Error - Referential Integrity Constraint - HFM: Unable to load members in Entity dimension in Replace mode

Scenario: Recently, we were trying to recreate a HFM application in new environment. It was planned to create a shell HFM application first, later, each dimension will be updated by importing the .csv file each dimension at a time. Shell application was created, and dimensions was created by importing the.csv file except the Entity dimension.

Note: Entire application lift and shift (using LCM) was not recommended in this scenario due to some factors. 

Issue:  When Admin user was tried to load Entity dimension in "Replace" mode, there was error of "Referential Integrity Constraint". Due to this, Entity dimension was not getting updated. However, Entity dimension was getting updated in "Merge" mode.

Finding: It was found there was a "Member List", loaded into application, in which Entity dimension member were used. HFM will not allow to delete any dimension member if that member is used anywhere (like, in member list, Data form, Data Grid, Rule, IC Reports). This is why Entity dimension was not getting loaded in "Replace" mode of loading metadata. In "Merge" mode of loading metadata, it will not delete the existing member and will add additional members to existing hierarchy.

Solution:  Member list was removed from HFM application and metadata was successfully loaded into application in Replace mode.

Thank you!


Created by - Mohit Jain & Megha Gupta

Hyperion Financial Reporting: Displaying the value of associated attribute member or UDA with a member of standard dimension.

 We are using the Essbase as a data source for financial reporting. In Essbase, we have a dimension "GEO"(which contains the countries, where organization has its operations) and a attribute dimension named "Currency" associated with "GEO.

To displaying the country and its corresponding currency in two columns in Hyperion financial reporting- take the all the countries in first column and use the "MemberProperty()" function in second column to display the currency of that country.
Syntax of MemberProperty() function-
MemberProperty( "GridName", page/Row/Col, DimensionName, property)
e.g.- MemberProperty("Grid1", 1, "GEO", "Currency")

Same way, to display the value of UDA associated with any member, use the same function.
e.g. - There are two UDAs[ Major Market and Normal Market] assigned to "GEO" dimension in Esssbase cube. To display the type of market (major or normal) in a separate column in financial reporting, us the "MemberProperty" function as below.
MemberProperty("Grid1", 1, "GEO", "UDA").
Limitation- If any member will have two UDA associated(both Major and Normal), it will show both the UDAs using MemberProperty function.

Posted by - Mohit Jain & Megha Gupta

Monday, 15 May 2023

Significance of Supplemental Data Manager – Additional Hands for Finance Users

 Supplemental Data

Supplemental Data means accounting supplemental records. The detailed information utmost required for accounting but is outside the scope of typical accounting, like postings in general ledger, etc. Data sitting in these records is typically additional required information which helps management and analysts perform their jobs.


Using the right systems for supplemental data collection and management can gain greater control and visibility into additional information, in comparison to using manual and spreadsheet-based financial processes.

Supplementary Information May Include:

• Accounting information

• Non-accounting information

Accounting Information

• An example of supplementary information is an expanded table containing the details for line items in the financials.

• Supplementary information system is valuable for any company, allowing them to provide important additional information—such as “roll forward” reports, debt roll forwards, fixed asset roll forwards, and equity roll forwards, which are necessary to support financial statements.

Non-Accounting Information

• An employee in charge of accounts receivable might keep a supplementary record with notes about customer demeanor, personality, and ability to pay future invoices. This extra information helps the employee perform their job by giving additional warnings about controls or customers which might need additional attention.

Methods to Collect Supplemental Data

There can be two methods to collect supplemental data. Supplemental data can be collected in single source system where master data is stored or in separate systems.


Collection of Data in Single Source System

Supplemental data can be stored in single source system where master data is stored

For example: In any ERP system (e.g., PeopleSoft or JD Edwards, etc.) or any of Oracle EPM Cloud Close suites.

Oracle EPM Cloud Close suite (Financial Consolidation and Close Cloud services (FCCS), Account reconciliation Cloud services (ARCS) and Tax Reporting Cloud services (TRCS) supports Consolidated data as well Supplemental data into a single system.

Benefits of Collecting Supplemental Data in Single Source System like SDM of FCCS

● It provides greater flexibility for reporting purposes

● Cost effective solution

● Administrator needs to maintain a single system

● Improved performance


Collection of Data in Separate Systems

Supplemental data can be stored in a separate system than the master source system. It can be MS Excel/File system/Database tables, etc.

Impacts of Maintaining Data in Multiple Systems

1. Collecting data in multiple systems can impact reporting capabilities.
2. System administrator will have to maintain multiple different systems.
3. When the master source system does not support inbuilt supplemental data collection and system admin still have to store supplemental data into master system, the size of master system will increase which might impact performance.


Supplemental Data Manager: An Untapped Gem of Close Consolidation

Oracle EPM cloud close consolidation suite (FCCS, ARCS and TRCS) have an inbuilt supplemental data collection tool named “Supplemental Data Manager” (SDM).

EPM cloud close consolidation suite supports consolidation, account reconciliation, and tax reporting for controllership users. Not only this, using SDM functionality of Oracle Cloud, supplemental data can be stored in EPM.
Summary/aggregated data will be available in FCCS/ARCS/TRCS whereas additional/detailed supporting information will be stored in SDM.

Supplemental Data in Financial Consolidation and Close Cloud Services (FCCS)

Oracle Financial Consolidation and Close Cloud Service (FCCS) is a suite of:


Oracle Supplemental Data Manager (SDM) is a platform that can be used to centralize the collection of financial, textual, and other unstructured data. It helps organizations to streamline the supplemental data collection process and introduces visibility as well as efficiency into the process.

SDM Provides a Robust Ad Hoc Data Collection Process That Supports:

• Defining the data definition process and associated data forms for data collection
• Provides a complete security mechanism on data
• Supports the ability to create calculation formula and validation criteria
• Control and monitor the data collection workflow

Examples of Use of SDM

How to Enable Supplemental Data Manager in FCCS

To collect supplemental data within FCCS, supplemental data collection module needs to be enabled while creating FCCS application. As shown in below screenshot of “Enable Features” while creating FCCS application, FCCS provides below options –


1. Enable both “Consolidation” and “Supplemental Data Collection” option to store both consolidated and supplemental data
2. Enable “Consolidation” option to store consolidated data only
3. Enable “Supplemental Data Collection” option to store supplemental data only
Note – If an FCCS application has been created without enabling the SDM, it can be enabled later as well.

Collection of Supplemental Data in FCCS – Investment Details

An organization makes a couple of investments. For each investment, the company needs to store additional information as well. Detailed information of investments will be collected as supplemental data whereas Invested amount will be part of the company's Financial Statements.

FCCS the Game Changer
Based on requirements – FCCS will keep only the aggregated invested amount for financial statements, whereas other detailed information will be kept in S    DM.
Detailed Investment information to be collected can be divided into 4 different sections –
1. General Information
2. Investment Information
3. Investment Details
4. Investment Value


Steps to Set Up SDM in FCCS
Below are the eight steps to set up Supplemental Data Manager in FCCS.

Step 1 - Study Existing Process

Study the existing user input templates to:
● Identify all attributes/parameters for which data needs to be collected?
● Is there any need to create an additional dimension or attribute?
● Any validation logic required?
● Any calculation required?
● How SDM Input Form will be organized?
● User/Team details who will input data into SDM Forms?
● How to set up the Workflow process?
● Security setup details required?

Step 2 - Create the Additional Dimension/Attributes to Record Information

In addition to FCCS inbuilt dimensions, additional dimensions can be created to store supplemental information. Each Dimension can have further members under it. Metadata will be loaded for these members.
For example, In following screenshot “Account” is a FCCS seeded dimension, whereas “Moodys Ratings” is a custom dimension to store additional information.

Below two custom dimensions will be created to store investment details.
1. ‘Moodys Rating’
2. ‘SP Rating’
Following are the members and properties for each dimension.

Step 3 - Define the Data Set

• A data set consists of all attributes, required to record data.
• Under Data Set, new Attributes can be created.
• It consists of Attributes from dimensions (FCCS seeded dimension or custom dimension) and Attributes created in the data set.


• Once the Data Set has been defined, it will be used to create SDM Forms.

As shown in below screenshot – add all Attributes under the “Investment Details”.

Step 4 - Create Form Template

Form Template is created based on ‘Data Set’ and is a reusable component. To Create a Form Template:
• Define the layout of user input forms.
• Define mapping between FCCS and SDM and using that data will flow from SDM to FCCS.
• Define instructions to be followed by the user while entering data.
• Define the Workflow process.
• Define the security setup.
• Define the Users/Team who will be responsible to input data in SDM form for specific Entity.

Create New Section under Form Template

As per requirement, there will be four sections to collect Investment details:
Under each section, there are three tabs:
1. Columns
2. Group By
3. Mapping

Columns Tab
Choose the attributes which need to be added under the ‘Investment detail’ section from “Data Set” “Investment Details”.

• Select the checkbox “Included” for all items required in “Investment Value” section out of the entire Attributes of Data Set “Investment Details”.
• Select the checkbox “View only” if any column needs to be marked as view only.
• For all columns where ‘Data Type’ is Number, you can define the ‘Total Validation POV’.
• For example - If aggregated investment amount is available in FCCS and using SDM, detailed information is getting submitted, SDM Data can be validated against the data stored in FCCS.
• A mapping needs to be defined between FCCS and SDM members for ‘Total Validation POV’.

Group By Tab

● In “Group By” page – it will show only those columns which were selected as “Included” in “Column tab”.
● Select the “Included” check box for which data needs to be sent to FCCS.
● Select the “Group By” check box against which data needs to be aggregated in SDM and sent to FCCS.
● Select the “Included” check box for which data needs to be sent to FCCS.
● Select the “Group By” check box against which data needs to be aggregated in SDM and sent to FCCS.
For example – In screenshot – SDM will aggregate data against “Investment ID” for “Current Value”, “Book value”, “Unrealized Loss”, “Market Value” and “Fair Value” columns and send from SDM to FCCS.    


Mapping Tab
In Mapping Tab, mapping between SDM and FCCS is defined.

To define mapping, click on POV - it will open a new window to select the specific member from each FCCS dimension.

As shown in the above screenshot - we can see the specific member from FCCS dimension.
As a result of this mapping - Value of “Book Value” entered by user will map to, “Investment Details” account of FCCS.

Click OK.

Click on “Save Button” to complete all tasks related to Section Tab and return to “Form Template”.
Once Section has been defined, the next import task under ‘Form Template’ is to define the workflow process for SDM forms. Go to the ‘Workflow’ tab.

Workflow Tab

Define the workflow process of SDM input form. Below are different available options.

● There can be multiple approval levels.
● Once, SDM form will be in Posted status – Data will be moved from SDM to FCCS.
● Based on the selected workflow option, preparer, approver, and integrator need to be defined.
● Post deployment of template, preparer, approver, and integrator who has been defined in Workflow, will be able to perform specific tasks in SDM Input form for Entities that has been defined in Workflow.

Step 5 - Open the Period for Data Collection
To start supplemental data collection process:
• Make sure the period is open for the month in which data is to be loaded.

Step 6 - Deployment the Form Template
Once the form template has been created, the next step is to deploy the template.

Step 7 - Data Submission to Input for Using workflow
Once SDM forms have been deployed, it will undergo the workflow process.
It will have three stages below:
1. Preparer
2. Approver
3. Integrator

Preparer Related Task

Once the SDM form has been assigned to the preparer, the preparer needs to enter the data and submit data to approver for approval.
For our example, there are four different tabs under “Investment details” where the preparer needs to enter data.

Enter the details and click the ‘Save’ button. Similar to this, the preparer need to enter details in all four forms.
Once all data has been entered into four different forms, the preparer needs to “Submit” control from “Preparer” to “Approver” stage.

Approver Related Task
• Once the preparer will submit the data, control will move to “Approver”.
• Approver has the option to “Approve” or “Reject” this data.
• On Rejection – control will go back to the preparer.
• On Approval – control will move to next level (i.e., Integrator).
• Once approver clicks the ‘Approve’ button, control will move to the integrator.

Integrator Related Task
• Once control moves to the integrator, the integrator can post or reject it.
• Once it has been posted, data will be moved from SDM to FCCS.

Viewing Data in FCCS
• As “Book Value” was mapped with the “Investment details” member in FCCS.
At the below member combination, data can be seen in FCCS.
• SDM data will be loaded on the “Supplemental Data” member from the “Data Source” dimension in FCCS.

Drill through from FCCS to SDM

• FCCS will hold summary data and detail data will be available in SDM.
• To see detailed data from FCCS, the drill-through option can be used.
• It is supported via Smart View and FCCS Web Forms.
• In Web Form - right click on the data cell for account “Investment Details”-> ‘C_101” and select Drill Through.
• On the next window, all four input forms will appear.

The screen of SDM below will appear where we can see all four input forms.

Step 8 - Close the Data Collection Period
Once Supplemental data has been posted, close the data collection period.
Powerful SDM Features Provided by FCCS
With the implementation of FCCS, any organization can have a centralized system to store financial data as well as the supplemental data.

Supplemental Data Manager Security
SDM provides a robust security model. While defining the SDM “Form template”, Admin needs to set up the SDM workflow.

Admin needs to define who will be the preparer, approver, and integrator for each entity for which SDM data need to be loaded.

Post deployment of Template – Only preparer, approver, and integrator who has been defined in Workflow will be able to perform specific tasks in SDM Input form for that particular Entity.

SDM allows users to define Teams instead of individual preparer, approver, and integrator. Teams specifically for supplemental data, for example, for working on supplemental data forms
can be created. You can then determine which users or teams can claim a form, and from Access, you can assign teams for workflow stages.

Based on assigned access – multiple users can enter data to their respective assigned SDM Input form at same time.

For SDM Input form – only specific users who have given access “Form Template” under “Access Tab” can view the data.

Based on dimension level security defined in FCCS, users will be able to see data for specific members in FCCS.

Data Flow from Supplemental Data Manager to FCCS
Once data has been approved and posted by the integrator, data will be moved from SDM to FCCS application.
At below combinations, data will be available in FCCS:
● “Supplemental Data” member from “Data Source” dimension
● Year, period, scenario, and entity will be picked from SDM input form.
● For other dimensions, data will be available on member-defined in the mapping session.

Data will be available on the same combination which has been defined under the “Mapping” section. For example, as per the screenshot below, data will be available on “Investment Details” Account.

Supplemental Data Management Dashboard

FCCS provides inbuilt Dashboard to monitor the progress on SDM input forms. You can monitor the business process and supplemental data information using below types of dashboards.
1. Task
2. Compliance
3. Financial dashboards

Benefit of Supplemental Data Management

A Single Interface
Both consolidated and supplemental data can be stored from a single interface of Oracle EPM Financial Consolidation and Close services (FCCS).

Flexible Reporting Capabilities
As both consolidated data and supplemental data is available at the same interface, it provides great flexibility to report both types of data.
Summary/aggregated data will be available in FCCS whereas additional/detailed supporting information will be stored in SDM.
FCCS allows drill through from FCCS to SDM to see detail-level information.

Cost Effective Solution
Storing both consolidated data and supplemental data into a single interface is a cost effective solution for any organization. Administrator needs to maintain a single system. FCCS supports SaaS architecture.

Improved Performance
Instead of maintaining information in multiple sources for consolidated data and supplemental data, having a single source reduced the end to end consolidation cycle time and improved performance.
FCCS/SDM provides a robust security model. For the SDM input form, only specific users who have been assigned any task (preparer, approver, and integrator) or given access “Form Template” under “Access Tab” can view the data.
Based on dimension level security defined in FCCS, users will be able to see data for specific members in FCCS.

Easy User Interface
FCCS provides great flexibility to load supplementary data into SDM input form. Users can use Smart View (Excel), load data file (.CSV format), and use a web interface.
FCCS provides different types of Dashboards to see the status of SDM input forms.

SDM Workflow
Using workflow, it can easily track the status of any task. The administrator or power user sends email alerts to assigned users for their related data forms.

-Last updated by Mohit Jain on Aug 08, 2023

Can FCCS supports granular level data reporting?

Problem Statement There is a need of Profitability report by legal entity, by account and department as well as by location. Ask is c an FC...