Sunday, 28 May 2023

ARCS Updates June -2023

 ARCS Updates June-2023

In June 2023 release, below updates have been announced - 

  1. New Setting in Formats to prevent upload to files
  2. Increasing Default Governor Limits in Account Reconciliation
1. New Setting in Formats to prevent upload to files
Reconciliation formats determine what reconciliations will look like, and the type of information that preparers and reviewers can enter.

A new option named Prevent File Upload is added to formats. When this option is selected for a format, users cannot attach files to the reconciliations that use this format.  Users may still use the option to attach a link.

Benefit: This setting enables Service Administrators to prevent users from uploading files to certain reconciliations.

2.Increasing Default Governor Limits in Account Reconciliation

In some cases, default governor limits may be increased at customer’s request. Before customer submit a technical service request to increase governor limits, Oracle requires customer to test the impact of this change on the overall performance of application.

Benefit: This feature provides flexibility to manage governor limits based on business requirement.

Below are the details of Governor Limits -
Account Reconciliation provides both predefined and customizable governor limits.

Predefined Governor Limits in Transaction Matching
  • Maximum Allowed Number of match types in an application - 300
  • Number of data sources in a match type - 20
  • Number of data sources in an application - 500
  • Number of attributes in a data source - 200
  • Number of match processes in a match type - 20
  • Number of rules in a match process -500
Setting Customizable Governor Limits
 Default governor limits are set for various system settings. The Service Administrator can modify these default values based on the business requirement.
For Account Reconciliation - 
  • Maximum Number of Items displayed in a List - use the drop-down to set a value for the maximum number of rows to display in the Reconciliations, Transactions, Profiles, and Matching lists and the Reconciliation Actions dialog. The default value is 10000.
  • Select maximum file upload size - select a value up for the maximum individual file size that users are allowed to upload. The default is 5MB. The maximum individual file size is 20MB. There is no maximum number of files you can store.
For Report Session -
  • Generate reports as separate process - , select Turn On or Turn Off.
  • Number of reports that can be run in parallel - use the drop-down to select the number of reports that can be run in parallel.

Thank you!!

Created by: Mohit Jain & Megha Gupta

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