Sunday, 28 May 2023

Hyperion Financial Reporting: Displaying the value of associated attribute member or UDA with a member of standard dimension.

 We are using the Essbase as a data source for financial reporting. In Essbase, we have a dimension "GEO"(which contains the countries, where organization has its operations) and a attribute dimension named "Currency" associated with "GEO.

To displaying the country and its corresponding currency in two columns in Hyperion financial reporting- take the all the countries in first column and use the "MemberProperty()" function in second column to display the currency of that country.
Syntax of MemberProperty() function-
MemberProperty( "GridName", page/Row/Col, DimensionName, property)
e.g.- MemberProperty("Grid1", 1, "GEO", "Currency")

Same way, to display the value of UDA associated with any member, use the same function.
e.g. - There are two UDAs[ Major Market and Normal Market] assigned to "GEO" dimension in Esssbase cube. To display the type of market (major or normal) in a separate column in financial reporting, us the "MemberProperty" function as below.
MemberProperty("Grid1", 1, "GEO", "UDA").
Limitation- If any member will have two UDA associated(both Major and Normal), it will show both the UDAs using MemberProperty function.

Posted by - Mohit Jain & Megha Gupta

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