Saturday, 13 April 2024

Is it possible to integrate non oracle systems to ARCS and get reconciliation done frequently without any manual intervention?

Problem Statement

Is it possible to integrate non oracle systems to ARCS and get reconciliation done frequently without any manual intervention?

ARCS Functionality

Oracle ARCS is a robust and secure solution for managing and automating account reconciliation period end processes, and performing large scale transaction matching, improving efficiency and accuracy of financial processes and statements. With ARCS key capabilities, you can perform tasks such as automate high volume transaction matching and directly integrate with period end reconciliations.

It is a purpose-built solution on the cloud for managing the global reconciliation process.

You can load transactions for past and current period and can perform complex reconciliations across unlimited data sources using unlimited attributes.


To load data to ARCS you can use file-based integration. It does not matter what ERP system you are using be it Oracle or Non -Oracle or your non-financial data systems. You can extract data in file in required format and can automate the whole data upload process. There are various ways to load data into Oracle Account Reconciliation.

Methods of Loading Data into Account Reconciliation

There are various ways to load data:

  1. Use the Account Reconciliation user interface to load pre-mapped data.
  2. Importing Transactions directly from Excel using the Smart View Extension for Reconciliation Compliance.
  3. Use the EPM Automate Utility 
  4. Use the Data Management or Data Integration
  5. Use the EPM Integration Agent 
1. Use the Account Reconciliation user interface to load pre-mapped data
 Transactions and balances can be imported using flat files in ARCS. it allows to - 
    • Import pre-mapped balances for both Reconciliation Compliance and Transaction Matching
    • Import pre-mapped transactions for Reconciliation Compliance
    • Import pre-mapped transactions for Transaction Matching
2. Importing Transactions directly from Excel using the Smart View Extension for Reconciliation Compliance
You can use Excel to load transactions into Reconciliation Compliance by using the Smart View Account Reconciliation extension. The direct integration requires the base installation of Smart View plus the Smart View extension for Reconciliation Compliance.

3. Use the EPM Automate Utility 
EPM Automate enables users to remotely perform tasks within ARCS. EPM Automate provides the commands to import pre-mapped balances, import pre-mapped transactions, import balances using Data Management or Data integration, import mapping, import rates and import attributes values.

4. Use the Data Management or Data Integration
ARCS provides the flexibility to import balances and transactions by using Data Management or Data Integration.
    5. Use the EPM Integration Agent 
    Data and Metadata can be extracted from on-premises data source and then load the data directly to the ARCS using the EPM Integration Agent. The EPM Integration Agent executes a query against an on-premises relational database and then loads the data or metadata to the EPM Cloud. The EPM Integration Agent is defined as a data source for an integration. The EPM Integration Agent may also be extended by way of scripting to access other data sources including third-party REST APIs, non-relational sources, or any system or systems that can be accessed using a Jython, Groovy, or Java program.

    Thank you!

    How FCCS View dimension helps in improving the performance of data loads!

    How FCCS View dimension helps in improving the performance of data loads!

    In FCCS Application- Under View dimension, there are three members under a parent member “FCCS_View_System Members”: “FCCS_QTD_RULE”, “FCCS_HYTD_RULE”, and “FCCS_YTD_RULE”. 

    Details -

    FCCS provides an Application Settings option to disable View calculations. By Turning this setting to "Yes" -

    1. This option disables computation and storing of YTD, HYTD, and QTD data for data input (through forms, data import, Data Management, and so on) in the YTD, HYTD, and QTD members. 

    2. Turning this setting to "Yes" will help in improving the performance of data loads.

    3. Once data is loaded, ese the required YTD_RULE, HYTD_RULE, and QTD_RULE members to see the respective View data after data load. 

    4. Data will not be populated and updated in the YTD, HYTD, and QTD members after data load.

    To disable View calculations:

    1. Click Application, and then click Settings.
    2. Set the Disable To-Date View Calculations option to Yes.
    3. Load data.
    4. Use the YTD_RULE, HYTD_RULE and QTD_RULE members to see the YTD, HYTD and QTD data.

    However, if there is requirement to use the YTD, HYTD, and QTD members, you will have to run the Update View Calculations rule for all the Scenario/Year/Period/Entities for which data was loaded when this option was set to "Yes", and pass QTD, HYTD, and YTD as parameters so that the values are correctly computed and stored.
    This will make sure future data loads will correctly populate the "Never Share" YTD, QTD, and HYTD members.

    Update View Calculations rule can be run at any time, regardless of the calculation status.

    To update View calculations:

    1. On the Home page, click Rules.
    2. From the Business Rules list, select UpdateViewCalculations.
    3. Select or enter dimension members for EntitiesPeriodScenarioYearView, and Currency, and click OK.
    4. Click Launch to run the rule.

    Thank you!

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