Tuesday, 30 March 2021

FCCS Updates April-2021

FCCS Updates April-2021

In April 21 release, below 3 updates have been announced - 

  1. New Consolidation Dimension Members
  2. Change to Default Translation Sequence
  3. Performance Substitution Variables 
1. New Consolidation Dimension Members
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If Ownership Management is enabled in FCCS application, new dimension members have been added to the Consolidation dimension.
New Change
The new members are:
  1. FCCS_Entity_Proportion Adj (alias Entity Proportion Adjustment)
  2. FCCS_Entity Total Adj (alias Entity Total Adjustment). This is the parent member of Entity Elimination Adjustment and Entity Proportion Adjustment
These members will be used to adjust consolidated data when required by a change in consolidation method to a less restrictive method (e.g. from Equity to Subsidiary). 
Business Benefit
This feature will provide adjustments required due to changes from more restrictive consolidation methods to less restrictive methods.
This system logic is not yet fully functional and is not currently applied to proportionalization. 
If you might have seen unexpected entries in the existing Entity Elimination Adjustment member,  you can disable these calculations by using the Substitution Variable named DisableEPA = True. 
However, the new dimension members are always created for all applications that have Ownership Management enabled.

2.Change To Default Translation Sequence
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Translation Step in FCCS
New Change
The sequence in which Financial Consolidation and Close executes translation steps has changed. Translation Override rules are now executed before Translation Override entries.
If you want to retain the older translation sequence, you can create a Substitution Variable named skipTransRulesIfOverrideRatesExist = False.
 Business Benefit
This change in sequence may reduce the need to amend a translation rule when applying an override amount or rate that occurs within the scope of the translation rule

3.Performance Substitution Variable
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Application performance optimization 
New Change
In this release, 3 substitution variables OptimizeConcurrency, DeltaDBRefresh, and OluRatesLoad have been introduced which can be enabled to improve performance.
i. OptimizeConcurrency = True
This substitution variable improves concurrency of the consolidation process by executing some of the calculations at the very beginning or at the end. The degree of improvement depends on the entity structure of FCCS application. Application with deeper entity hierarchies will benefit the most.
ii. DeltaDBRefresh = True
This substitution variable improves database refresh performance by doing only necessary actions based on metadata change. It is not applicable for Legacy Non “Extended Dimensionality” applications.
iii. OLURatesLoad = True
This substitution variable improves refresh database performance. The more scenarios, currencies and rate accounts in an application, the more noticeable the improvement will be. 

Business Benefit
These substitution variables help in improving performance.
The degree of performance improvement varies widely across different applications as it is purely driven by the application design and data distribution.

Thank you!!

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